
  • PY\KIND : KINetics Dendrites

Dendrite growth kinetics on multicomponent alloys considering cross diffusion and curvature effect
  • PY\KINE : KINetics Eutectic

Eutectic growth kinetics on binary alloys considering thermodynamic coupling
  • PY\PHDV : Phase Diagram with Velocity effect

Computation of non equilibrium phase diagrams with velocity effect associated to interface and species mobilities. This tool applies the Partial Drag Model (PDM) proposed by C. Hareland and P. Voorhees and detailed in our articles. 
  • PY\DIAN : DIffusion ANalytique

Diffusion induced growth kinetics in semi-infinite domain (steady regime) (planar, cylindrical, spherical)
  • PY\MIAN : MIcrosegregation ANalytique

Analytical solution of diffusion problems for ‘Far-field’ modelling of growth kinetics dedicated to solidification and precipitation
  • PY\MISE: MIcroSEgregation

Microsegregation model based on volume averaging for a single solid phase growing into liquid, accounting for growth kinetics of the solid phase and finite diffusion in the solid and liquid phases, devoted to coupling with processing
  • PY\DICO : DIffusion COefficients

Computation of cross-diffusion matrix in multiphases and multicomponent systems (+Matlab)
  • PY\MIFT : MIcroségrégation Front Tracking 

Front-tracking modelling of phase development induced by diffusion (Landau approach) in cross diffusion
  • PY\MILD : MIcrosegregation Length Diffusion

Microsegregation modelling based on diffusion length
  • PY\PATH: solidification PATH

Solidification path computation on multicomponent systems during solidification processes (Lever rule, Scheil, Partial-Equilibrium) and tabulation of thermodynamic evolutions (*.mtc) for thermal solution (Cimlib) 
  • PY\PREC: PRECipitation

Precipitation process modelling on structure-hardenable aluminium alloy aluminium based on Precipitate Size Distribution (PSD) approach

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